
Seven Quick Takes

I'm being a bad girl tonight and making pizza. Along with said pizza, I am going to drink a beer. Probably my first beer (alone) in quite some time. Heathcliff did convince me whilst he was here to partake in one with him.

How the heck am I just now discovering Copeland?!?!  Seriously, where was I???  Oh that's right, I stopped listening to music because most of it is crap.

My cat licked my butter bar while I was making a grilled cheese.  Thank you cat, you have now made 1/4 of a bar of butter uneatable. At least I know that you won't have hair ball problems anytime soon.

I'm getting really stressed out.  Mid-terms are quickly approaching, and I feel like I'm way behind, though I'm about right on schedule.  It's just I received everyone's first essays this week. Ack! We have:
1 online class @ 11 = 11
1 online class @ 8  = 8
3 in person classes @ 58
A grand total of 77 essays that need to be graded within the next week and that number doesn't include
all the late stragglers.

For Lent, I think I have decided to go completely meatless (because I still occasionally eat chicken. Mostly I eat meat when Heathcliff is around because I don't think he really cares for meatless dishes). On Fridays, I will give up alcohol to replace the meat fast. It's a test run to see if I'm called to vegetarianism.  Or not. More on this later.

I get paid a week from Monday.  I will do a happy bootay dance that day.  Probably all day.  Feel free to come watch.

If ever you are in need of a good clean laugh that you can share not only with other adults but with your kids as well, check out Homestar Runner.  It was meant to be a kid's book.  Sadly, it was never published (if I recall correctly). So the owners turned it into a kid's website, which, oddly enough, became more popular with adults than kids. But you can still enjoy it with your kids. :D


Fulfilling a Promise - Thanks St. Expeditus

I have a special place in my heart for Saint - but - not - officially - endorsed - Saints.  I don't know why really; perhaps I think they are more relatable on some level.

My patron, Saint Veronica, isn't on the calendar because her story is based in legend and tradition.
I'm also fond of Saint Christopher with all the back and forth I do between work, my family, and seeing Joshua.  Only recently was Saint Christopher removed from the calendar for the same reasons Saint Veronica was - his story is also based on legend and tradition.

I also have a special place in my heart for the not - so - well - known - or loved Saints. It seems you always hear of Saint Anthony or Saint Christopher or Saint Therese.  I recently needed help because I knew I was completely at a loss on my own.   Suffice it to say, I've gone two months with out a paycheck, and I was under the impression I would be getting paid February 1st.  And then I was told I wouldn't be getting my first paycheck until March 1st.  I had used my savings to live off of for January, so I did not know what to do or how to come up with money for rent, groceries, and gas for February. And then I did the only thing I could think to do. I hit up the Saints.

Of course I went straight to St. Jude because I was desperate and my situation just seemed hopeless.  Heathcliff is on the same pay schedule as I am, and just yesterday, I had called my mother about my car problems, and she told me they really didn't have any money to spare at that point.  All in all, it seemed silly to me to ask St. Jude for help with money because when I think of St. Jude, I think of incurable cancer prayers or prayers to save a life that seems like it can't be saved.  And prayers like that need more space in heaven than prayers for money.  Regardless, I tossed it out there.

Still, I didn't feel good about the situation. So what's a millennial generation gal to do? Google.  And here I found St. Expeditus.

Saint Expeditus is not an official Saint, and the poor guy has a bit of a sordid history.  A primer: Supposedly a martyr in Rome, his name actually seems to be Elpidius, but the person copying down names of remains got it wrong along with several other martyrs who accompanied Elipidius.  Originally, he was invoked against procrastination, which is why you see him standing on top of a crow.  In Italian, a crow is often associate with "tomorrow" because the "caw-caw" onomatopoeia is a lot like "cras cras" which is Latin for "tomorrow."  Thus, he's normally depicted as standing on top of a crow with a banner that reads "Cras," and the banner Expeditus holds or is around him reads "Hodie" or Latin for "Today." 

Legend has it that some nuns received a package marked "expedite."  When the nuns opened the package, they found the remains of a martyr, and they mistakenly took his name to be "Expedite" which they then Latinized to Expeditus. From this, many people began to have fun with the name and invoke Elipdius for quick and speedy answers and prompt deliveries of packages.  However, if you do a bit of research, it seems that this story has holes poked in it pretty easily, but I still like it. 

From there, it seems his patronage grew, but unfortunately, he became popular among voodoo and hoodoo-ists, and they adopted him for their own reasons, causing some Catholics to shy away from him. 

After reading about him, though, I really liked him.  I'm the worst about procrastinating.  In fact, I've got a few things I could be doing now, but I'm not because I decided I could do them later (because that's how we phlegmatics roll).  He also seems to have a cult following among computer programmers, who essentially, but not always, are nerds.  I am, unfortunately, a nerd.  (Many people aren't probably aware of how nerdy I am.  Just ask Heathcliff.  He has to hear all the time about the science of theoretical time travel and why hot water makes ice quicker). So, I said a prayer to him as well.

Within three days, all my money problems disappeared.  All the bills are paid, I still have my apartment, the kitties are fed, and I have plenty of gas and groceries.  I have no extra money to do extra things, like go out to eat or buy birthday presents, but I have just enough to survive on, and that's all I could ask for, and I'm incredibly grateful to both Jesus and to Expeditus for helping my prayer be heard quickly.  

Supposedly, if you invoke St. Expeditus, he asks that you advertise your patronage of him somewhere very public.  (Probably because of all the bad press he gets for being involuntarily associated with voodoo).  So please, if you like to procrastinate or if you need a quick solution to a problem or if you'd like your package delivered promptly, ask St. Expeditus for his help. 


Less than 3,


P.S. I found the random saint generator via much linkage which eventually led me to Conversion Diary.
I got Saint Paul the Hermit.  Seriously? He seems more like a Saint for Heathcliff... Then again, he is patron saint of the clothing industry, and I did work in the clothing industry for a long time. My first instinct is to associate him with my desire to dress modest but remain cute and fashionable at the same time.  I don't know about this...