
Oh my goodness! Catholic Boys!

I have seen the light. Dating/Talking/Hanging out with Catholic boys makes all the difference in the world.

Currently, there are about three boys in play, two of which, are Catholic. And my, oh my, how different it is talking with those two compared to the not Catholic boy.

They're smart, funny, witty, intelligent, and they don't look at me like I have three heads when I mention a saint. We can play the "hey guess my confirmation name" game. We can talk about our opinions of Vatican II, our priests, and our parishes. I don't have to explain why I can only eat fish on Friday (and it's not because I want you to pay for my expensive sushi). It's like you have an instant bond with someone you don't really know.

That's not to say the non-Catholic boy isn't smart, funny, or intelligent. It's just there's not as strong of a connection there.

I'm completely open to a cradle Catholic or a Catholic convert. But now I can see why people would encourage me to date only Catholic boys.

As a side note, I start my new job Monday. It's weird. I feel like my life is finally getting some traction in the right direction.