
Friday Quick Takes

I was offered another full time teaching position, and I decided not to take it and stay with Estee Lauder. I told God I needed a huge sign to know I was making the right decision, and I feel like I got it in the form of my new boss. She's in the position I would like to eventually be promoted to. She got her  Master's in English, taught for four years, joined Estee Lauder, andnow she is an executive for the company, and she's just in her mid thirties. And her mother just died. It's creepy how similar we are. Moreover, our account executive came through the other day and said she was highly impressed with me and asked me "how mobile I was and what I wanted from Estee Lauder." She hinted that I would be looking at a promotion within the next year. Plus, when I think about going back to teaching, I want to throw up. But staying at Estee Lauder makes me feel peaceful, so I think that answers the question.

The only mass that was offered on the Feast of the Assumption was at 8:00, which I, with I'm sure several other people, couldn't attend because we were at work, and father wouldn't offer a 5:30 mass. Not a happy camper about it. 

I've met someone that I actually really, really like. We have a lot of superficial stuff in common, but we also have some more substantial things in common too. He's protestant, but "really wishes we could all be under the same umbrella. Just Christians, no division," and only likes going to churches that offer the Lord's supper frequently. I have hope for this one. Normally with boys, I'm usually hopeful for about a week or two, then skeptical, then bored or scared. This one, though, I have hope. and I'm almost willing to brave a full on relationship again because of it. Almost. 

Fall weather, where are you? I'm ready for cardigans and sweaters.

My birthday is in less than two weeks. It'll be the first time my Dad won't call me at some outrageous hour and then ask me how old I am, and then say, "No really, is that how old you are now?" I couldn't ever really tell if he was joking with me or actually forgot. 

Hair ties are the best thing ever. They hold your hair, but don't put that gross crease in it.

Pray for me please. I still can't seem to get myself back to mass. I literally had a panic attack walking up to the doors for the Feast of the Assumption. I'm really trying, though. God knows I'm trying. 

1 comment:

  1. Very sad about Mass-that is such a shame. And I will pray you can make it back soon! So glad you have peace in this job!
