
I feel like a silly goose/lame-o/sheepish

Well, don't I feel like a silly goose.

In perusing my usual internet sites, I came across this link: Father Z's Blog - How to Receive Communion - The Turf the Devil Does Not Want to Give Up Without a Fight How timely and fitting, considering how I just wrote about that subject. Silly goose feeling #1.

Somewhere in reading the comments section though, I came across this link: The Correct Postures and Gestures for Mass Half of this stuff I didn't even realize I was supposed to be doing. Most of this stuff Heathcliff does, and I just thought he was being OCD and extremely pious. Silly goose feeling #2.

In reading the correct postures and gestures for mass page, I didn't know what Agnus Dei meant. Upon finding the translation, I facepalmed myself, realizing I sang it in English for almost two years. Silly goose feeling #3. I must say, I do prefer the Latin to the English.

I am so ill-educated. There's all this stuff I feel like I should know, rooted in tradition and history, and I feel like no one's told me about it! So I go digging for all this information, and just when I think I have a good handle on the information, I find more and more. It's a little overwhelming at times.

Anyway, on to other entries. This is just some food for thought.

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