
How To Be a Good Blog Commenter: Or Why I Quit FaceBook

I haven't had time to come up with the second part of my Veiling Essay, but I think this is well worth a read. It's about how to be a good blog commenter and represent the Church's presence within new media.

That being said, one of the main reasons I left facebook was because I felt like it was a never ending source of frustration, potential gossip, and near occasion of sin because I would almost always be not charitable or be charitable towards unbelievers and then be personally attacked on my own facebook page. So instead of letting technology get the best of me and cause me to fall into sin, I simply got rid of it.

I don't miss facebook. I didn't loose out on keeping in touch with friends. I make it a point to call them or they call me. Nothing has really changed since I "virtually committed social suicide" except that I have more free time. And I take that spare time and devote it to this blog.

If you've been feeling like you should limit facebook time or get rid of it completely, I highly recommend it. You won't even notice it's missing and you may even possibly avoid some near occasions of sin! And that's always a good thing. ;)

less than 3,

1 comment:

  1. ah, now I understand your withdrawl. What is your email addresss? send it to mine- k dot alfermann at gmail dot com
