
Fish Friday

Good grief. I just got in from hanging out with Ireland. 

We had dinner at 5:15.

5:15! And I got in at 1:00!!!

And all we did was talk. We have so much in common. Not just superficial stuff, but stuff stuff.

And he said grace before eating!

And dear goodness he makes me laugh, so hard.

And I can make him laugh. That's rare. I very rarely make boys laugh, but he thinks I'm funny.

And to think, he just landed right into my lap. Like, seriously, this was an effortless sort of "hey, here's this guy. Meet him."

Like I said, I'm not holding my breath, but I have a really good feeling about this one. But I'm proceeding with caution and asking the Lord for guidance in discernment.

God is so good.

Glory and Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ. Your will be done. 

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